Frequently Asked Questions



1.  WHEN can we make reservations?

Though the campground is open year ‘round, reservations are taken starting the beginning of March of every year for any camp dates from April 1st through October 31st of that same year. The Reservation Office takes reservations Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm, excluding federal holidays - call 928-537-4126.

2.  How many DAYS IN ADVANCE can we make a reservation?

A two day advance is required (example: If you want to arrive on a Friday, you may call on Thursday to reserve a site for the following day--as the day you call and the day you arrive each count as a day).

3. What NUMBER do we call for reservations?

Call 928-537-4126, Monday through Friday 9 am - 4 pm during the reservation period (March 1st – October 31st). Payment in full is required when you reserve.

4. Are reservations REQUIRED?

No. Show Low Lake Campground offers first-come, first-serve sites, as well as reservation sites. You can take your chances on getting a site by just arriving at the campground, OR by making a reservation (especially if you want a specific site). If you are coming on a holiday weekend, reservations are highly recommended.

5.  Does the campground offer any DISCOUNTS?

No, not at this time.


6.  What TIME is Check In and Check Out?

Check In no earlier than 2:00pm and Check Out by 1:00pm on the day you depart. If you know you will be arriving later in the evening, we appreciate a call - 928-537-4126. Campers with reservations please set up in your site and verify with the hosts in the morning. You are not considered a “No-Show” until 24 hours after your arrival date.

7.  Can we camp just ONE NIGHT?

All sites have a 2-night minimum on weekends and a 3-night minimum on holiday weekends (for reservations only, first-come first-serve campers may stay just 1 night, any time during the week).

8. How many PEOPLE can we have on a site?

Individual sites will accommodate up to 8 persons, any more than that and you will need to book another site.

9.  Can we bring our PET?

Yes. They need to be on a leash while in the campground and under your control at all times. We ask that they observe quiet hours from 10 pm to 6 am and please clean up after them. There is a maximum of 3 dogs allowed per site.

10.  What HOOK-UPS are available at the campground?

Seven sites offer 30amp electricity, and the rest are “dry” camping (“primitive”). NO SITES HAVE FULL HOOK-UPS. The sites with electricity vary in size, so you will be asked the length of your camping rig to make sure you’ll fit in the driveway.

11.   Can we bring more than one VEHICLE?

The site fee is based on the number of "camp units" at the site. Your reservation will only cover the first camp unit. All additional camp units will require reserving a second site. There is an Extra Vehicle charge per night and it may need to be parked in the overflow parking lot.

12.   How many TENTS can we put up on our site?

You may pitch up to 2 tents per site.

13. Do we PAY EXTRA for the dump station, water and showers?

No. Use of these amenities is included in your camp fee as long as you are a registered guest at the campground.


14.   Can we make reservations for BOATS?

YES. Please contact J&T Wildlife Outdoors, and specify Show Low Lake – 928-892-9170,

15.  Can we have our OWN BOAT on Show Low Lake?

Yes. As long as the motor does not exceed 10 hp, which is the limit on Show Low Lake.

16. How is the FISHING at Show Low Lake?

Folks fish year round on the lake, which is stocked monthly in the summer. Click here to learn more.

17. Can we SWIM in Show Low Lake?

It is posted no swimming, and there are no lifeguards to guarantee your safety. Show Low Lake is a very popular fishing lake. Many state records have come out of the lake and therefore, a lot of tackle and fishing line may be in the lake bottom.


18. Are there any FIRE RESTRICTIONS?

Fire danger is assessed on a daily basis and therefore, please check with your campground host for the most current information on any restrictions. Up-to-date alerts can be found on the home page of this website.

19. Will our site have SHADE?

The campground has plenty of trees and bushes but your site can vary for sun and shade depending on the time of day.

20.  What kind of WEATHER can we expect when we come to the campground?

We advise checking on-line before your visit, as weather can change rapidly in this area. Springtime it generally reaches the mid 60s in the day and even below freezing at night. Summers may average 80+ degrees in the day, cooling off at night. The annual monsoon season usually brings afternoon thunderstorms from June through August.




